Festivals of colour
Summer time is so far removed from the Niseko winter it is sometimes hard to imagine that you’re even in the same place! The black and white landscape so many of us know is transformed into refreshingly lush hills of rolling green. It is not only the lansdscape that comes to life here but also the people as summer is festival time. Brightly coloured costumes, busy stalls, plenty of beer and of course to top it all off fire works aplenty.

The whole region has festivals staggered through out the month of August from Kuthchan to Kiowa, Hirafu to Iwanai and everywhere in between.

As you can see at every festival you will find a celebration of colour, a celebration of food and a celebration of summer.

Above the Iwanai seafood festival's grand finale.

Above scarecrows in Kyowa below Hirafu's own festival coming to life post rainstorm.