Hanazono hiking/mtb trail
The Niseko Hanazono trail has to be my favorite trail in the Niseko resort area. Fairly long, about 6-7 km's. Challenging climbs for the first 2km's. Bit of a slug but laced with a few fun downhill sections, some nice views and a creek crossing. We rode it last weekend, a bit of snow leftover but should be all gone within a week.

After about 2km's is a small lake called Kagaminuma or Mirror lake. Nice place to take a breather and get ready for the real fun, the long variable downhill run.

Once past the lake there is one small 50 meter uphill climb, then an 800 meter steepish downhill section with some slightly sketchy traverses. Then comes the best part. A long 3-4km's of trail on a small decline, no tight corners. Get some speed up and pump and carve the corners, no need for breaking. Sweet.

The trail finishes at the entrance of the Hanazono Tokyu Resort golf course. The trail is actually intended for hikers so look out for them. Generally you may come across a small group of hikers on the first half of the trail, especially on weekends. From the lake onwards hikers are rarely seen. You can find directions to Hanazono trail on this link directions to Hanazono trail