Holiday Niseko says Rice-ball triangles save lives
Onegiri or rice ball..? I call them sushi-triangles and they save starving snowboarder's lives! Those of you that are now in Niseko skiing or have been here -already know... but for the future Niseko explorer, here is a tip on eating decent when taking a break from the snowy slopes without breaking your wallet. These 100 yen rice-ball triangles are yummy, filling and as convenient as is the Seicomartt, Lawson or 7/11 convenience stores that sell them.

These amazingly packaged seaweed wrapped rice-ball triangles are usually filled with a variety of fish product. You can find vegetarian friendly fried rice or fermented sweet beans as well (vegie-heads watch out for minced salmon mixed-in). Seicomart in Niseko is the only convenience store that has descriptive photos on the packaging, making it too easy. When you end up at any other store, it can be a fun guessing game. With zero kanji skills and trying to dial in what is inside with the color coded system, I find that somedays the rice-ball is what ever they decide to roll in the rice that day. It could be Salmon, tuna(+mayo-), raw salmon eggs, spicey pork meat mix, large-sized baked salmon eggs, fried beef(+mayo-), some days a kimchi-mix, natto(fermented soybeans) or just fried rice. What ever you end up with, it's all good because you are in beautiful Niseko!

So after shredding the slopes, chomp em cold outside the store or load your pockets for later. Maybe gift a microwaved rice-ball to a friend? A couple of them will get you through the afternoon backcountry mission, cruising the groomers or a day jumping in the park. Sushi-triangles are a good source of quick energy, usually made up that day and are ski-bum priced.

Onegiri rice-ball situations... Is it the end of your winter holiday and one more family dinner will tap you out? Sushi-Triangles. Spend too much cash in Hirafu's bar circuit? Sushi-Triangles. Onsen every night? Sushi-Triangles. Forgot to buy breakfast groceries? Sushi-Triangle breakfast. Had to buy new skis cuz you lost one in the snow (Niseko powder disaster garage sale)? Sushi-Triangles. Accommodation was too expensive because you didn't book with Holiday Niseko? Sushi-Triangles. Triangles save lives - Holiday Niseko.