Japan Border News
Anyone with an interest in coming to Niseko has for the last couple of years had but one burning question on their mind "when can we come?" Although we don't have a definitive answer for you things are looking very good for winter 2022/23. Why are they looking so good?

As you may have seen in the media Japan's Prime Minister recently gave a talk in London saying that he plans to relax border controls and was quoted as saying "We will further relax controls, so that in June it will be possible to enter the country as smoothly as other G7 nations" (Bloomberg.com). Further to this, according to the Japan Times (May 6th, 2022) Japan will actually begin allowing foreign tourists into the country if they have had 3 Covid -19 vaccinations and are part of specific tour packages with pre determined itineraries. That's real tourists here in June! And there is more..

Kyodo News (May 11, 2022) Also reported that in June, Japan's quota for international arrivals will double from the current 10,000 visitors per day to 20,000. Now although all of our ducks aren't quite in a row things are looking much much better than they have been and the chances of welcoming you back to our winter wonderland are looking good!
So when will we know?
Up until now one of the hardest parts about the situation has been not having any indication of when announcements will be made. In more good news it looks like we may have an answer in the next few days as Nikei Asia (May 6,2022) have reported that a final decision will be made soon after the Golden Week Holidays.
If you, like us think this is a solid indication of travel to Niseko finally being possible why not lock one of our great deals while our May Super Saver Deals are running and the Yen is at historic lows! You can search for accommodation here or feel free to email us on (res@holidayniseko.com) if you have any questions or would like some accommodation suggestions.