Meet The Team
Holiday Niseko has grown from year to year in terms of it's staff, it's customer base and it's quality of service.
We are proud to have staff from across the globe from Taiwan to Ireland making for a diverse and well rounded team.
For 2019 /20 our seasonal staff are made up of 9 resort hosts, 4 front desk staff, 2 concierge staff and 4 cleaners who join the permanent 11 strong management and administration team and 37 local cleaning staff.
You can find out more about the Holiday Niseko team and their roles here.

Holiday Niseko are also proud to have a further specialist guest service division, Rider (Black Labrador), Tyler (Golden Retriever) and Tui (Shiba) whose main responsibiliies include frolicking in the snow, warming their owners feet on cold days and bringing smiles to our customers faces!
If you're inetersted or know some one who might be interested in joining the Holiday Niseko team please feel free to get in touch ( otherwise we'll look forwadr to meeting you on your next trip to Niseko!