It's very forward thinking for Niseko Village (Higashiyama) resort to educate and promote avalanche safety on a zone and it's dangers, snowpack and terrain traps before allowing access to shredding it. Other resorts around the world should follow in their boot-steps. The steep and deep Mizuno-no-Sawa area is controlled and patrolled, but does not keep you out of powder covered crevasses or self sluff-slide trouble. Having some basic avalanche safety and snowpack knowledge helps in making the right decisions when shredding into gnarly terrain. Sign up for an avalanche skills training course and make a habit to check the Niseko avalanche forecast before venturing out. Enroll in the Mizuno-no-Sawa lecture and rip it! Powderlife magazine has a nice write up on the lecture schedule, costs and general information. HolidayNiseko