More properties with flexible cancellations 2020
As you read this many southern hemisphere ski resort chairlifts have already begun spinning, a positive sign for the ski industry the world over. Here in Niseko we are hoping that the resort opening will also go ahead as planned too and that travel to Japan will be possible and practical. There is of course still uncertainty as to how things will unfold and due to this Holiday Niseko and a number of other accommodation providers in the area have increased the scope of their new Covid 19 flexible cancellation policies.
We are very happy to announce that in addition to all Holiday Niseko managed properties the following properties bookings can be cancelled with just a ¥5000 service to do so up until August 31st:
Loft Niseko, Muse Niseko, Aspect, Gondola Chalets, Hana & Jo, Forest Estate, Ginsetsu, Sugar Pot, Greystone and Koho.

If you'd like to know more about our extended cancellation policy for the 2020/ 21 winter please click here and if you have any questions on these policies or any of the properties please feel free to contact a Holiday Niseko agent anytime ( Thanks for reading and we will look forward to hearing from you soon.