Niseko snow removal
With all the powder we have had fun skiing and snowboarding in, there also comes a lot of work to deal with it. The Niseko Grand Hirafu city snow removal crew has been working 24/7 to keep up with the snow this season. Our Holiday Niseko team has been putting in a ton of shoveling as well. With dangerous roof slides constantly filling in our walk-ways, we are always on alert and looking up as we clear snow. There were even days last week when we had to mark the car so the plow would not hit it! Niseko city did a great job in cleaning up the street in front of our Holiday Niseko office, Asuka, Yukon and the Seshu. Now our guests have a little more space to walk about, cars can pass by each other again and we are ready for more snow. Sweet!

Niseko snow revomal

Hiromi's car is under that snow- marked with a pole
