Updated booking policy 2021
Due to an increased interest in bookings for the 2021 /22 winter but a continuing lack of clarity on the possibility of international travel Holiday Niseko has updated it's booking policy to fit with the current conditions and your needs.

For anyone wishing to lock in their favourite Holiday Niseko accommodation for winter 2021/22 we are asking for no money down until September 2021. That means you can secure the accommodation of your choice without the risk. If by August it has been confirmed that travel from your country will be possible at the dates you have booked we will ask for a 20% deposit due by September 1st, 2021 to hold your booking going forward. Your balance will then be due 60 days prior to your arrival. Should things change between times and government imposed travel restrictions make travel at your dates not possible we will give you a credit for what ever amount you have paid, which can be used for any accommodation booking with us valid until April 2024.
If you are keen to lock something in and have an incredible holiday in Niseko to look forward to or you have any questions please feel free to contact us anytime (res@holidayniseko.com). You can view our terms and conditions here.