
If you've been to Niseko before you've undoubtedly uncovered the delights of the convenience stores. There are now 3 to choose from here in Hirafu, a 7/11 on the eastern side opposite My Ecolodge and moving in from there Lawson begins it's reign with a new store freshly opened in the newly developed Mid Town. Now both these are a little out of the way unless you are either staying in Izumkyou, My Eco Lodge or Mid Town but moving further into the village we have..
Travel opprotunities are endless here in Hokkaido especially in the summer time, in every direction there is a destination to travel to or a unique attraction to see.
Erimo Misaki is the south eastern most tip of Hokkaido, a rugged windswept cape with a striking line of small islands extending from dramatic cliffs.
If you've ever been to Niseko with a little luck you will have had the pleasure of Mt Yotei's presence beaming down on the Hirafu Village and surrounds.
Mt Yotei's summit stands at 1,590m which isn't huge in mountaineering terms but it is the highest peak in the area and one that just begs to conquered.
Mount Yotei is an active strato volcano which most recently erupted back in 1050BC and lucky for us hasn't done a lot since!
Summer is a time for celebration here in Hokkaido and every year the calendar is dotted with great events. Closest to home and coming right up we have the Kutchan Jaga Festival  (2019-08-03) a celebration of summer and of course Kutchan's most prized and all important crop, the potato. This features scores of delicious food carts, local produce, spectaucular floats and processions and a fire works display.
Shimamaki Snow Cats is said by many to be one of the best cat skiing operations in Hokkaido. Run by Hokkaido Back Country Club they provide access to some incredible terrain and of course acres of bottomless powder.
Combine this with its unique oceanside location with incredible views of the surounding peaks and the Sea of Japan you have an experience not to be missed.
If this wasn't enough just imagine a 2 or even 4 day tour with a Japanese Ryok